Accommodation Solutions Officer

  • £20.86 - £26.14 per hour
  • Kensington and Chelsea, London

Accommodation Solutions Officer
Based in Kensington
Temporary on going
36 Hours per week
£20.86per hour PAYE

Main Duties:

  • Follow policy and procedures to successfully place singles persons and families into suitable accommodation
  • To make the most appropriate, equitable and cost-effective use of available resources, ensuring that all lettings comply with statutory requirements and the Council's policies
  • Undertake assessments of suitability when offering accommodation
  • Organise and/or facilitate with storage of goods and removals when necessary
  • Assist with the management of the team's telephone lines and email inboxes and respond to customer queries regarding their accommodation.
  • Liaise with the Procurement and Contract Management Team to ensure the most suitable available property is offered to the applicant
  • Complete housing benefit forms and other forms as required
  • Refer households for floating support when the need for assistance is identified
  • Collect medical documents from the customer to appropriately refer an applicant for a medical review
  • Respond to requests for emergency transfers
Alix Webb Recruitment Consultant

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