Case Study

Securing Specialists with Daniel Owen

Helping a Client Fill Specialist Roles for a High Profile Project

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The Client

A specialist contractor for land remediation and infrastructure.

The Challenge 

Finding specialist staff for a 2-year project involving demolishing and decontaminating a large animal testing site. Candidates with specific skills were required for the project, such as machine operators and demolition operatives. These roles are compliance-heavy and often difficult to fill, especially with this project's remote location.

The Solution

Establish an initial hiring phase to supply 15-20 specialists within 3 months, with a defined plan to maintain the client workforce throughout the entire duration of the project.

Next, we set up a dedicated team of consultants to manage the project, including a key account manager with a thorough understanding of the site requirements and risks. Leveraging our candidate network of over 350,000 and our attention to detail, we started work on sourcing reliable and compliant specialists for the project.

The Result

Achieved 100% retention of all hired candidates throughout the project. 

Successfully filled 52 positions within the first 12 months, leveraging our extensive candidate network.

Ensured project continuity by providing qualified, compliant operatives in a timely manner.

Through great collaboration with the client, we successfully filled all roles and removed a lot of their staffing strains, ultimately saving time and money.

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