Case Study

The Best Hire Not the First

Saving a leading housing provider heaps of time whilst filling a highly specialist role

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The Client
A nationally registered housing provider with over 100,000 Housing Stock across the UK.

The Challenge 
The client needed to conduct a thorough review and develop a detailed plan for their Property Directorate, which involved creating a complete asset sustainability plan. Daniel Owen was tasked with recruiting a Head of Asset Sustainability with demonstrable experience working with large Housing Associations within the client's geographical area.

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The Solution
Daniel Owen leveraged its comprehensive construction recruitment strategies, which included talent mapping and networking within the built environment industry. We provided a shortlist of experienced asset sustainability candidates, all pre-assessed by our consultants to ensure their experience matches the requirements for a housing asset sustainability director and that they were a strong cultural fit for the organisation. 

The Result
The selected candidate was appointed on a fixed-term contract, which was extended due to the value they added to the team. The client benefited from our built environment recruitment process, which saved them time by streamlining interviews and ensuring only highly suitable candidates were presented. 

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