Call handling - the added value service

3 Minutes

"During the pandemic, the widespread closure of offices and consequential lack of available ...


"During the pandemic, the widespread closure of offices and consequential lack of available staff, meant that customers learned to become more familiar and self-sufficient at finding solutions for their enquiries.

Searching online or using tools such as ‘live chat’ on the company’s website can be successful ways to find what’s needed. However, when it comes to resolving more complex or technical enquiries, a phone call is often still the most effective solution.

The Facilities Management and Property Services sector is currently facing a shortage of good call handlers as many companies took the decision to furlough or disband their front of house and reception teams.

Supporting inbound calls has never been more critical than it is today. That’s because a higher proportion of calls are likely to be more complex or urgent enquiries, which can’t be so easily managed via a ‘self-service route’.

These calls will probably be longer, more involved and of higher value when it comes to winning new customers or retaining and supporting existing customers. Which is why growing and building a team of the right people to handle calls quickly, efficiently, and professionally is helping FMs to deliver excellent service and added value.

Can we help you?

Whether you are looking for a new temporary or permanent contract in Facilities Management, or for call handlers for your organisation, please contact us on 0161 886 9670 or 0207 248 7000. Alternatively, please send us a message. 

Tell our team how we can help you

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